Hello everyone! My name is Ilianna Thasitis, and I am a student pilot at the Edmonton Flying Club, ! Before I dive into what it’s like to be on this incredible journey, let me share what inspired me to embark on it.
A Different Start: From Psychology Student to Aviation
Unlike many pilots who dream of flying from a young age, my story began differently. Growing up, I was set on becoming a psychologist. After graduating high school, I attended the University of Alberta to study psychology. However, about a year and a half later, I realized that path wasn’t for me and decided to drop out. Unsure of what to do next, I spent a couple of years waitressing.
The Pilot Dream Takes Flight
During this time, I started contemplating the idea of becoming a pilot. Initially, I was afraid to say it out loud because it seemed preposterous. I didn’t believe in myself and was hesitant to invest in something without knowing for sure I could do it. However, I soon realized that the only way to figure out my life was to keep trying new things. So, I took some open studies courses at MacEwan University, eventually completing my Business Management Diploma.
Gaining Skills and Building Confidence
During my time at MacEwan, I worked in banking, starting as a teller and later becoming a Personal Banking Associate. I found myself craving something more adventurous and challenging. Over time, the small steps I took to rebuild my confidence empowered me to pursue my dream of becoming a commercial pilot. I began by researching flight schools and attended an open house at Cooking Lake Aviation, where I went on my discovery flight. Being in the plane was one of the most exhilarating experiences I have ever had, and at that moment, I knew I would do whatever it took to get out from behind my desk at the bank and into the cockpit of an airplane! I was so excited on the drive home, I couldn’t stop smiling and couldn’t wait to share the news with my friends and family!
Choosing the Right Flight School
I chose the Edmonton Flying Club (EFC) because a family friend introduced me to Sophia Wells, the Chief Flight Instructor of EFC at the time. Sophia gave me a one-on-one tour of EFC, where I learned about the safety and performance standards of the school. I was inspired by Sophia, especially as a female CFI, and my decision was made to attend EFC after that! I joined the waiting list in September 2022 and began my flight training in June 2023.
Transferable Skills from Past Jobs
Although my previous jobs were not my final destination, they provided me with a ton of transferable skills that I use all the time when I’m flying or studying! For example, as a waitress, I developed great communication and multi-tasking skills, and working at the bank taught me the importance of attention to detail. As a pilot, we are constantly communicating on the radio, multitasking while flying, and attention to detail is key. The path to your future may not always be a straight line, but if you keep pushing, you will end up where you’re supposed to be, just like I did!
Balancing Work and Flight Training
Now, let me tell you about my experience as a student pilot! I began ground school in May 2023 and flight training in June 2023. Dedicated to my goal of becoming a pilot, I balanced working 40 hours a week at the bank while attending ground school two nights per week from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and flight training on weekends with lots of studying in between! That goes to show that with enough dedication, it is always possible to chase your dreams, even if you already have a full-time job and bills to keep up with!
Ground School Challenges and Triumphs
During ground school, I was exposed to a vast amount of new information on topics I had never even heard of! It was quite challenging, but Bill Dimmer, the ground school teacher at the Edmonton Flying Club, has been a pilot for almost 40 years and is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about all things aviation. In ground school, I asked a ton of questions all the time! Sometimes, I worried that I was slowing down the rest of the class with my questions, but after class, different classmates told me that I asked really good questions and that it helped them because they were wondering about the same things! Never be afraid to ask questions, because almost 100% of the time, someone else in the room has the same question you do.
First Flight Lessons and Overcoming Self-Doubt
I did quite well in ground school, so I went into my first flight lesson feeling fairly confident. However, after the first lesson with my flight instructor Hannah, I felt as though I knew nothing! It’s very different being in the classroom compared to being in the plane! I went home feeling bad about myself, thinking there was no way I would be able to fly the plane on my own one day. I spoke with my mom and she reminded me of the simple fact that I should not expect myself to know what to do my first time flying! She reminded me that something like this will take time and perseverance. So, I decided to work that much harder and get it done! I flew my first solo flight in February 2024, and it was the best experience and one of the proudest moments of my life! I am now almost finished with my Private Pilot’s license with an expected completion date of October 2024.
Advice for Future Student Pilots
One of the biggest struggles I’ve faced during flight training is being a perfectionist. I always expect the best from myself, and there have been many times when Hannah has asked me how I think the flight went, and I only focused on the mistakes I made, while Hannah thought the flight went great and was focused on the things I did well! The main advice I would give to future student pilots is not to be so hard on yourself while you’re learning, and understand that you’re going to make mistakes and that it’s okay. As long as you keep striving for your goals you will reach them!
The Importance of a Great Instructor
I believe it was fate that matched me with Hannah McKay as my flight instructor because she has been such an excellent role model to me. It’s been amazing having a female instructor that is the same age as me! Hannah also assisted me in securing full-time employment with Elevate Aviation by providing me with a reference! Since November 2023, I have been working as the Executive Assistant to the COO/CFO, and in February 2024 I took on the additional role of Mentorship Program Coordinator. This is by far the most fulfilling work I have ever done. I have come to learn that the aviation industry is a close-knit community of people who are passionate about what they do and I am beyond happy to now be a part of that community!
Overcoming Financial Barriers
One of the largest barriers people face in achieving their pilot’s license is the financial barrier. Government student loans are only available to Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) students because the PPL can be pursued as a hobby. The government aims to provide student loans only to individuals who are pursuing a career as a pilot.
So, how do people pay for their PPL, which must be completed before moving on to their CPL?
First, I would suggest applying for a student line of credit through your bank. Just because you can’t borrow money from the government for your PPL doesn’t mean you can’t borrow it elsewhere! To borrow money from the bank, you will need to establish a positive credit history. This means starting by borrowing a small amount of money, usually on a credit card with a small limit, using it, and paying it off on time consistently. Once a positive credit history is established, the bank will slowly be willing to lend you larger amounts of money. Another piece of advice I like to give is not to be afraid of debt! There is good debt and bad debt. Bad debt is taking your credit card and maxing it out on designer clothes at the mall. Good debt is investing in your future! Borrowing money to obtain your pilot’s license will help you achieve a fulfilling career and generate future income that you will use to pay off your debts and live a financially secure lifestyle!
Lastly, apply for scholarships and bursaries! There are a few amazing aviation scholarships out there, including Elevate Aviation’s Rene Cutforth Pilot Bursary, COPA’s New Wings scholarship, and more. Additionally, you should look on Scholarships Canada, where you will be able to find many more scholarships! Not all scholarships are dependent on your field of study, so look for more than just aviation-specific ones.
My Pilot Journey So Far
That’s my journey so far! From aspiring psychologist to waitress, to banking, to pilot-in-training, every step I’ve taken has led me to where I am now—soaring through the skies and loving every minute of it. If you have a dream, no matter how wild or unreachable it might seem, go for it. You never know where it might take you! If you are interested in becoming a pilot, I would highly recommend the FREE Private Pilot License (PPL) Ground School Stream of our Foundational Aviation Skills Training (FAST) Program! This program provides 80 hours of ground school and your first 5 hours of flight training in partnership with EFC. Although you would need to attend flight school to finish your license, our FAST PPL program will give you a huge head start and help you save some money on your path to becoming a pilot!