What people are saying
Our programs spark confidence for women and underrepresented groups entering the aviation workforce by building on their natural talents and skills while equipping them with the knowledge and certifications they need to succeed.
How can our programs help you? Read our success stories from past learners!
Learner Success Stories

"I really liked the On-the-Job training!"
Xiao Mei Ma
AST Program Graduate – Cohort 1
Residing in Calgary, Xiao Mei made a weekly journey to Edmonton to attend the AST program, demonstrating her commitment to expanding her skill set. Mei brings a diverse background, having previously worked as an Electrician and a Safety Technician. Driven by a constant desire to challenge herself, she eagerly joined the AST program.
After successfully completing the AST program Mei was offered a full-time position with Avmax in Calgary where she is currently working and expanding her knowledge in the aviation industry.
Reflecting on her experience, Xiao Me enthusiastically shared, “I learned so much. I really liked the On-the-Job training! You are in class for 5 weeks and you learn something, and then on-the-job, you get to see how they work, how they connect, and how to read schematics. You learn so much, it’s amazing!”
With a keen interest in Avionics, Xiao Mei is actively self-studying to deepen her understanding of the subject. Mei remains dedicated to networking with the people she met through the AST program, oftentimes working longer hours than what is scheduled so that she can continue her learning. In addition, she has invested in her own set of tools so she can enhance her suitability for her upcoming career!

“I feel like I was more prepared for my career because of the program."
Melissa Kay
WEST Program Graduate – Cohort Charlie
As a rotational Flight Attendant, Melissa spends two weeks of every month deadheading to the Iqaluit base. During her time there, she served various small communities around Iqaluit and Baffin Island, often returning to the base by nightfall to embrace the close-knit living environment. On the ATR, Melissa is the only flight attendant on board. This solo experience has accelerated her development, granting her a sense of leadership akin to a lead flight attendant after just seven months.
“I was worried about being a solo flight attendant at first, because you don’t have a team – but then I realized that the Captain and First officer are your team. It has been great because I’ve been working 7 months and already feel like I am getting experience as a lead flight attendant because of my solo trips”
Graduating from Cohort Charlie of the WEST program in March 2023, Melissa credits the program with providing her the necessary preparation to re-enter the workforce. Balancing parenthood with professional aspirations, the program afforded her the opportunity to assess her readiness for work, hone her interview skills, refine her resume, and cultivate a mindset conducive to career milestones.
“I feel like I was more prepared for my career because of the program. Getting a chance to see all the little bits of the industry was valuable- getting to see cargo, hear about de-icing, etc. It helps. There are so many pieces in the industry that make it all work, and getting the behind-the-scenes look at all things allows me to have more patience and understanding.”
Drawing from her experiences, Melissa offers invaluable advice for aspiring flight attendants:
- Being disciplined and having a routine is important, but you have to be flexible as your schedule changes every day.
- Self development pieces are so important- know your skills, weaknesses and strengths and continue to develop yourself
- Take care of yourself – you’ll be eating, and sleeping at different times every day (and make sure to pack snacks)
- Be resourceful – prepare for the worst (extra changes of clothing, snacks) especially flying up north as you never know when the weather will change.
- Prepare to devote 100% of your time to doing the training. Plan to do nothing else, it is long days of classroom work, doing drills and exams every other day – and sometimes how you score on tests determines your ranking on call lists- so study and work hard.
“I feel like I was more prepared for my career because of the program. Getting a chance to see all the little bits of the industry was valuable- getting to see cargo, hear about de-icing, etc. It helps. There are so many pieces in the industry that make it all work, and getting the behind-the-scenes look at all things allows me to have more patience and understanding.”
Drawing from her experiences, Melissa offers invaluable advice for aspiring flight attendants:
- Being disciplined and having a routine is important, but you have to be flexible as your schedule changes every day.
- Self development pieces are so important- know your skills, weaknesses and strengths and continue to develop yourself
- Take care of yourself – you’ll be eating, and sleeping at different times every day (and make sure to pack snacks)
- Be resourceful – prepare for the worst (extra changes of clothing, snacks) especially flying up north as you never know when the weather will change.
- Prepare to devote 100% of your time to doing the training. Plan to do nothing else, it is long days of classroom work, doing drills and exams every other day – and sometimes how you score on tests determines your ranking on call lists- so study and work hard.

“I think the people I met through the WEST program was the highlight of my experience"
Larysa Szymanski
WEST Program Graduate – Cohort Charlie
Like many of our participants, Larysa juggled employment commitments alongside her studies in the WEST program. Since graduating from the WEST program, she has propelled her career to new heights. Larysa currently serves as a Safety Coordinator at Blacktop Paving Inc. and is actively pursuing certification as a National Construction Safety Officer.
“All the presentations we did allowed me to open up to people and get over the anxiety of presentations, which is helpful as I just found out recently that I might be presenting to over 70 people in our annual orientation.
The program also helped me with my communication skills. Every day we got moved around to different spots in the classroom, giving us the opportunity to meet different people which taught us about teamwork, collaboration, different perspectives, and taught us how to work with different personalities. It was also super empowering. You were in a room filled with smart, funny, and creative women from different parts of the world who didn’t hesitate to share their opinions, stories, and food!
Larysa attributes the WEST program to exposing her to diverse career avenues and igniting her interest in becoming a Drone Pilot. Subsequently, she has pursued drone training to further advance her career and will rejoin EALC in November 2024 to commence her PPL ground school with the Foundational Aviation Skills Program.
“I think the people I met through the WEST program was the highlight of my experience. I primarily work in a heavily male dominated industry and to sit with other strong, talented, smart women who were also debating career changes, figuring themselves out, or struggling with personal dilemmas was really eye-opening and empowering.”

“Now I know anything is possible."
WEST Program Graduate – Cohort Alpha
I don’t know what I would have done without the incredible people who came together to make this program a reality.
My biggest success during the program was definitely building up my self-confidence. There were skills that I already had, but I wasn’t confident enough to use. Now I know anything is possible.
I owe my current job 100% to WEST. From building my resume, to the interview practice that I got, learning skills that would make me successful, to the suggestion to apply by the program coordinator, WEST was with me every step of the way.
WEST gave me new opportunities to look forward to, and the fundamental skills needed to take those steps.
I would recommend the WEST program 110% I sincerely believe that every person entering the workforce would benefit greatly from this training. This support and experience was unfathomable for me and how it impacted my entire life. I wish everyone had the chance to take part in this program and learn about how not only to be a successful candidate for a job, but to be successful in life.

“WEST gave me the tools to succeed."
Paityn Laing
WEST Program Graduate – Cohort Alpha
I was able to make connections that can be a massive help in my future career goals.
WEST gave me the tools to succeed and gave me opportunities to network with different people and organizations to get my foot into the door.
I managed to receive multiple certifications that gave me an additional advantage and boost of confidence. I felt prepared to enter my new role as a Customer Service Agent for the Executive Flight Centre.
WEST is an amazing program that can help anyone not only individuals looking for an aviation career. You meet fantastic women that are encouraging, supportive and passionate about what they are doing. It is truly inspiring. If you have a chance to join WEST I highly recommend jumping at the opportunity. It will never inhibit your future opportunities.